Lomita Blood Drive to Support Children’s Hospital LA
Have a heart: Donate Blood to Children’s Hospital LA – June 6, 2021 8am – 2 pm
Children’s Hospital Los Angeles in partnership with South Bay Credit Union and the Lomita Chamber of Commerce will have a blood drive on Sunday, June 6, 2021 from 8am to 2pm at the Lomita Farmers Market. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles is experiencing a shortage of blood donors and children in their care still need your generous blood and platelet donations. Every month, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles needs to collect 2,000 units of blood products to meet the needs of its patients. Please join us at our upcoming blood drive and help with this very important cause. Each donation can help two children in need.
Appointments are required. Sign up online at: CHLADonateBlood.org using Sponsor CODE: LOMITA.
*Stay tuned as more blood drive dates are added.*
We strongly advise that all donors review CHLA’s donor requirements and COVID-19 advisories. More information and FAQs are available here.
For more information contact the Blood Donor Center: 323.361.2441