Lomita Farmers Market: City Housing & Safety Booth (Earth Day goodies for children)
The City of Lomita is in the process of updating its Safety and Housing Elements to the General Plan. Both elements are components of the General Plan and are guided by State law. The Safety Element outlines how the City minimizes, prepares for, responds to, and recovers from hazard events such as extreme heat, earthquakes, and wildfires. This includes identifying safe places to build, populations that may need extra help in responding to hazards, and how to ensure residents are prepared for hazards. The Housing Element is a strategic vision and policy guide designed to help address the City’s housing needs, identify barriers or constrains to providing needed housing, and provide goals and policies to address these housing needs and constrains. Lomita’s projected housing needs for the 2021-2019 planning cycle is 829 units based on population and household growth.
A virtual community workshop will be taking place on Thursday, April 29 at 5pm to provide residents with opportunities to be involved in the process and provide feedback. To register visit, https://dudek.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_KK88cckpSxSXacaNrNpr7g. A second community workshop will take place in the summer. Details will be posted on our website, http://www.lomita.com/cityhall/.
Please visit the City of Lomita’s booth at the Lomita Farmer’s Market on Sunday, April 25 from 10am to 2pm to learn more. In celebration of Earth Day, we will have coloring books and seeds available for children.